Here is the first page of a sales letter that can be used with this item.
Pill Bottle Self Mailer's Sample:
Betty, have you been driving yourself sick?
Need a convenient auto shop that offers free loaner cars, free car washes and free towing?
Looking for quality service that saves you valuable time and headaches?
Worried about choosing the right repair shop?
This is Just What The Doctor Ordered......
X-Ray Film's sample :
Client Memo
From: Dr. Keith Lee D.D.S. (Doctor of Dynamic Store profits)
Date: Friday, 2:37 pm
“Why In The Heck Is Keith Lee Sending You An X-Ray To Tell You About This Incredible Special On A Point-Of-Sale System To Control Your Inventory,Give You The Management Information You Need, and Increase Profits?” .....
Antacid sample :
Take 2 of these and call me – the tax doctor – in the morning
I guarantee I’ll cure your IRS pain, or visiting my tax office is FREE.
Dear Name,
Ok, I have to admit these antacid aren’t going to do anything to cure your IRS pain, in fact Congress has passed some very confusing new tax laws which go into effect THIS tax season, and this time they’ve changed everything around. Congress, and the IRS, have made filing an accurate tax return almost impossible for regular, hard-working taxpayers like you!